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Tour to Tortuga Bay Beach by Boat and Kayak.

Small tree finch female


Tour Departure and Duration

07:45 AM


13:45 PM

Tour Location:  Tour beginns and ends in Puerto Ayora – Santa Cruz island.
Tour Departure and Duration  Tour beginns 07:45 AM or 13:45 PM  /  3 – 4 hours tour.
Clothing:  Short pants, bathing suit, sandals, mosquito repelent.

Tour Description

You will observe blue footed boobies, pelikans, Darwin finches marine iguanas, etc. Later on you will take one of our kayaks  to explore the Bay ( 1 Hour) , the sharks channel, looking for sea turtles, marine iguanas, etc. Tour starts at 13;45 PM or 07:45 AM  Meeting point is the tourist dock in Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz Island.

Yacht tour

Yacht tour

Baby shark

Tortuga Bay


Tortuga Bay


Playa Brava

Enjoy our great relaxed Boat Tour to Tortuga Bay, avoid long hiking and travel with our boat along the cost observing coastal birds, great volcanic landscape, after 20 minutes navigation we will disembark in the beach TORTUGA BAY.

You can also take this Tour without the Boat ride, with a 40 minutes walk through the arid zone, 1.55-mile trek to Tortuga Bay’s Playa Mansa observing its interesting Flora, Fauna and Landscape.

The beautiful Tortuga Bay is home to a variety of Galapagos Islands wildlife species. This area is home to marine iguanas and the vividly colored Sally Lightfoot crab. Sea turtles build their nests in the white sand of the beach here, and brown pelicans are also present. There are occasionally flamingos visible in the lagoon behind the beach. Also possible to spot are a few blue-footed boobies. There’s interesting vegetation in the area as well. Among other things, you’ll see salt bushes, cacti, and Palo Santo trees. In addition to white tip reef sharks, a variety of vibrant tropical fish may be visible to snorkelers.

You might even see green sea turtles  laying their eggs in January and February (the hatchlings emerge and head out to sea in January and May). In addition to white tip reef sharks, a variety of vibrant tropical fish may be visible to snorkelers.

What to Bring & to Use

Short pants, bathing suit, sandals, mosquito repelent.

Included | Not Included

Prices includes:

  • Marine transport to Tortuga bay, roundfare.
  • Kayak (One hour), Local Representative.

Prices do not include:

  • Wet Suites $ 10, Tips.

(*) We reserve the right to make changes in itineraries without prior notice if considered appropriate due to security at air, force majeure, natural disasters, or any consideration at our Captain’s or Representative’s discretion, without being liable for refunds of any kind.


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